I help self-employed IT-experts, with focus on SAP and MICROSOFT, to start and scale their IT-Consulting business - by generating a positive cashflow with recurring orders.

Don't rely on others to start and scale your consulting business.

Learn how to acquire customers by standardizing your service offering.

Our System is specialized on the IT-Consulting niche and created for IT-Freelancers and Consulting Businesses

(in SAP and MS)


we enable you to position yourself in your niche as a Freelancer, transition to a Consulting-Company and scale to 6 and 7-Figures.

Attention all Entrepreneurs
Who is Patrick McGibney ?
  • Patrick McGibney
    CEO & Founder / Mentor & Coach

    ✅ Founded and Scaled IT-consulting companies with up to 100 employees in various countries with multi million revenue in 7 and 8 figures

    ✅ 15+ years of advising and consulting experience while working with the biggest enterprises worldwide

    Has helped hundreds of Companies and Individuals to grow professionally and personally

    ✅ Master’s degree in business administration

    University lecturer in IT and business

    Mentor and Coach for IT and Business

    Along with my Business Partners and Network, I’ve got an obsession when it comes to understanding the Psychology of Business Success and why things work the way they do. Everything I do is based on the Pioneers of Leadership, Commitment, and Entrepreneurship.

    I have a background in Management and grew successful Businesses before I started applying it to my Clients - which has allowed me to develop a System based on my own experiences, which are shaped by many painful and stressful mistakes, but even more joyful and successful decisions.

    Not only that. I am half-Canadian – half-German. This means I make sure everything is systematized and fully thought out in an effective manner – results speak louder than words.

    By understanding why things work, I can design my approach and system in a way that lets my customers and clients enjoy the benefits of the way I work.

    I spent over 15 years starting and scaling my own IT-Consulting business, with focus on SAP and MS - this means that my customers aren't the ones who test our System, but they are the ones who get to benefit from our proven process.

    But don’t let that make you think I only look at the data - as a System, I take my standardized approach and apply it to my clients.

    No System will fit 100% ideally to every person or business – that is why it is important to understand the Person and have the experience to adapt this successfully-proven approach to the individual needs.

    I promise and guarantee that after working with me in my System, you will be able to start and scale your IT-Consulting business – in the best case, we will do that together along the run!

    Why can I help specifically you with your business challenges? Because I have build my own SAP and MS businesses - I know exactly what to do, and what not.

    I help self-employed IT-experts, with focus on SAP and MICROSOFT, to start and scale their IT-Consulting business - by generating a positive cashflow with recurring orders. ✨

What Our Clients Say About Our Work

Our Client's Results

This 1:1-System is NOT for you, if:

  • ❌ You are happy where you are right now - comfortable with your job as a developer, consultant or Freelancer

  • ❌ You want to avoid taking extra risks for becoming a Freelancer or Entrepreneur
  • ❌ You are not the person to put in extra work to achieve your goals and differentiate yourself from others - personally and professionaly
  • ❌ You do not feel the desire to change something in your life or serve a higher purpose

    ❌ You don't have any experience in IT, especially with focus on SAP and MS

Who is this 1:1-System for ?

Freelancer or IT-Consulting businesses, who ...
  • always wondered how it is to become your own boss and run your own business

  • are IT-Consulting experts, especially focus on SAP or MS - driven to help people or companies to help achieve their goals

  • have thought about starting as an IT-Freelancer- but are afraid of taking the risk of quitting their well-paid job

  • have been freelancing in IT-Consulting for years, but can't figure out how to make the next step transitioning to a consulting-business and growing a team

  • have already successfully positioned themselves on the market as IT-Consulting-Business, but want to further scale in terms of revenue or employees and enter new markets
To keep it simple - we get results for our businesses, and
we get results for our clients.

If you are interested in our System, either as Employee / Freelancer / Business Owner - read on to learn a bit more, or go straight to the qualifying form and schedule a call.
Learn everything about Digital Entrepreneurship

Our 1:1-System for IT-Experts

  • from 9–5 to your solo business
    A System that works
    We'll show you how to set up your IT-Consulting business on the market and give you the opportunity to create a service offering that enables you not to trade solely Money versus Time.
  • productize your skills
    A framework customized to you
    We'll show you a proven frameworks that enables you to position yourself as a Freelancer or Consulting-Busuineess. It's more start and grow - less trial and error.
  • Build a strong digital network to leverage your ideas
    A high-valueable Network
    Your products and services get noticed by other high-value people in your field - especially with focus on SAP and MS, in DACH, EU or Northamerica.
    We leverage our network for your jump-start - we position you with our partners on your desired market.
  • optimize taxes and invest in yourself
    A Lead and Sales approach
    We show you how you can generate your own Leads and convert them to your own Customers.
    Grow a Sales pipeline, independently of 3rd parties - and create a customer base, which brings financial stability for future scaling.

Our 1:1-Process

Initial Qualification Call
My team will assess your needs, goals, and current situation.
If you match and qualify for our System, we will proceed with the next step, the Consultation Call.
We only work with experts and action takers - quality over quantatiy.
Strategy Development
You and me will be creating a strategy and action steps, including Market & Competitor Research, Niche & Postioning, definition and understand of your Target Audience, creation of a Client Avatar as well USP, concluding with a standardized offering and pricing. All this is necessary to implement a Leadgenaration and Sales Process, to build a sustainable customer base.
I am keeping you accountable for your progress, your skill development, and your first results.
More importantly, I will hold you accountable for creating a sustainable business with you providing ongoing support and guidance, as needed.
I will be harsh with you, if I see you don't perform - I will be there for you 24/7, if you have any problems.
I am introducing you to a network of contacts and providing opportunities for networking and collaboration - especially regarding SAP and MS.
I am evaluating your progress and adjusting the strategy to ensure that you are on track.
We will set up KPI's to track and measure your success - I believe in systems, structures, processes, not in coincidences.
Why our 1:1-System works
Niche and Positioning
We show you how to start (and later scale) your IT-Consulting business - we kickoff with the definition of your Niche, and your Positioning on the Market.

Target-Audience and Pain-Points

We show you how to determine, who your actual Target-Audience is - how and where to find them, how to understand their problems and most importantly, how to solve them with your Service-Offering.
Client-Avatar and USP
We show you how to create your "ideal customer picture", as well as how to differentiate yourself from others - you need to understand who your customers are, and why they should work specifcally with you.

Offering and Pricing

We create your service offering and underlying pricing modell - building a sustainable offer which enables recurring revenue.
You are an IT-expert on a market with high demand and buying power - charge the prices, that you deserve and stop sharing with 3rd parties.
We help you to understand, that Consulting is not only trading "Time Vs Money" - standardized services, managed services, door-opener-POC's, and much more.

Leadgeneration and Sales

We show you how to generate your own Leads, and convert to your own Clients - we don't want to solely rely on Networking, Referrals, Contacts, or Agencies.
We help to implement the Leadgeneration and Sales Process, that eneables Scaling - by building a customer base, thus financial stability and resources.
Scaling - entrpreneurial Mindset
Positioning yourself on the market, creating an offering and finding customers is just one side of the story - Scaling your business to 6, 7 or 8-figures yearly is something else, since this will require more. We help you recruit Employees, implement an Interview and Onboarding-process, grow a Team and introduce new structures and processes, which is laying the foundation for growth.
Our Guarantee
Expertise and Success
We know that our System works, because we have build SAP and MS businesses like this ourselves, more importantly helped others to walk the same path. We share the same passion of IT, especially with focus on SAP and MS - important ingredients, to start and scale a business within this area.
Some programs are cheaper, some are even free - but the hidden cost you pay is a lack of accountability.
We are committed and dedicated to your success, assuring you make the right steps - in your speed, making sure that your operative business is not suffering.
Personal Growth
We are not only interested in your business results, we are also interested in your Personal development – we take our time to look a bit deeper into each person, since we all only human beings. Eventually, we want that you enjoy your ride into becoming an Entrepreneur – which will shape your life forever, in a positive way.
START as an IT-Freelancer
By the end of this package, you define your niche and positioning, define your target audience, create your client avater and USP, and implemente the leadgeneration and Sales Process.

Access to Course 1 Material
Access to Advanced Mastermind Group

Weekly 1h Calls with Patrick
over the period of 3 months.
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TRANSITION to an IT-Consulting Business
By the end of this package, you implement all of the previous steps. On top, we generate new clients and projects.

Access to Course 1 and 2
Access to Advanced Mastermind Group

Direct Messenger Support from Patrick (between 9AM–5PM EET Timezone)

Weekly 1h Calls with Patrick
over the period of 6 months.
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SCALE your IT-Consulting Business
By the end of this package, you not only master all previous steps, enter new markets and generat new clients, but scale further to your desired goals.

Access to all course sections

Access to Advanced Mastermind Group

Direct Messenger Support from Patrick (24/7)

Daily - weekly 1h Calls with Patrick over the period of 6 months.

Additional Network Contacts
  • Special VIP Mastermind Group
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Take action now
and start your IT-Consulting business
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